Õmma raba metsaonn Raplamaal

Täiesti üksik ja metsiku looduse rüpes asuv vaatetorniga metsaonn asub Õmma rabas, väikese rabajärve maaliliselt kaldal, Nõva puhkealal. Onni juurde tähistatud radu ei vii, aga kui sa tead õiget suunda, jõuad kindlasti ka kohale. Õmma raba metsaonn on elamus tõelisele loodushuvilisele.

Eesti loodepoolseim maanurk, RMK Nõva puhkeala, on üks omapärasemaid ja eriilmelisemaid piirkondi Eestis. Tsivilisatsioonist suuresti puutumatu ümbrus ja hõre asustus on need, mis loodusgurmaani peibutavad. Nõva rannikuala paelub rannamõnude nautlejaid ja surfareid, sealsete metsade mustikate ja pohlade rohkus köidab nii marjulisi kui teadlasi. Avastamist ootavad Neugrundi meteoriidikraatri jäljed – bretsad – ja hulgaliselt viimase jääaja jäänukeid – rändrahne.

Piirkonna suuremad järved – Tänavjärv ja Veskijärv – on tuntud oma kalarikkusega, väikestel järvesilmadel rõõmustab puhkaja silma valge vesiroos. Dendroloogi huvi rahuldab kohtumine mandri-Eestis kasvava haruldase jugapuuga. Puhkealal asub ka vanim mandril tegutsev puukirik, Põlluotsa talumuuseum, Dirhami kalasadam ja Eesti mandriosa loodepoolseim maanina Spithami ehk Põõsaspea.

Kui sulle meeldib olla loodusega koos, siis võta ette üks mõnus looduspuhkus. Matkamine Eesti metsades, ujumine rabajärvedes, loomade ja lindude vaatlemine on siin kõik lihtsasti tehtavad. Eestis looduses on palju puutumatuid kohti. Kolm neljandikku territooriumist on kaetud metsade ja rabadega. Looduslikku mitmekesisust rõhutavad mitte neli, vaid viis aastaaega. Kui sinu idee täiuslikust puhkusest hõlmab matkamist läbi rahvusparkide ja looduskaitsealade ning tähtede all magamist, siis loodus Eestis pakub selleks ohtralt erinevaid võimalusi. Telkimine, matkamine, rändamine, seiklemine – paki oma seljakott kokku ja asu teele.

Kui sa tahad rohkem teada, kuidas lõkkel süüa teha või huvitavad ka söödavad metsikud taimed, kalapüük ning üleelamisõpetused, matkamisest, matkavarustusest ja loodusega koos olemisest rääkimata, siis vaata meie kanalit. Seal leiavad käsitlemist ka mitmed erinevad RMK matkarajad, RMK lõkkekohad ja RMK matkateed.

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Lighting a Fire With an Electronic Cigarette #Shorts

Bushcraft #Shortsvideo about how to light a fire with an e-cigarette. You can see longer version of the video if you click on the card at the end of this video.

And if you are further interested in how to survive in the wilderness or you intend to advance basic survival skills, check out our channel. There you can learn more about bushcraft camping and cooking, camping tools and gadgets and camp cooking equipment among other things.

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How to Light a Fire With Field Thistle – Easy Outdoors Camping Tips

How to light a fire with filed thistle – enhance your wilderness survival skills by learning an easy bushcraft trick that helps you start a campfire more more easily.

First, collect a handful of field thistle seeds with their white fluffy parachutes or hair, and put them into a small pile. Then, take your ferro rod and scrape of the black material covering it because it does not ignite. If you have done that, hold the ferro rod close to the tinder at about a 45-degree angle. Place the scraper or the back of a knife near the top of the rod, so it makes solid contact with the rod. Pull the rod back away from the tinder with a slow and steady motion. Sparks should emerge. And that's all. Now you know how to make fire with a ferro rod and field thistle.

And if you are further interested in how to survive in the wilderness or you intend to advance basic survival skills in the wilderness, check out our channel. There you can learn more about bushcraft camping and cooking over fire, camping tools, survival gadgets and camp cooking equipment among other things.

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Make a Moth Trap (Outdoor Activity Ideas for Kids)

Learn to make a simple moth trap so you can watch these fascinating creatures after dark. Have you wondered what goes on in your garden once nighttime comes? Join James as he sets up a Moth Watch and gets an insight into the nightlife happening outdoors.

This is a great activity to do with kids on a warm summer night whether in your garden or with a residential group of kids. You just need a few simple items. Try it – you never know what you might see or hear.

This video series is for Forest School Leaders, Primary School Teachers or parents who enjoy getting their kids outdoors. James and Lea from Woodland Classroom are on a mission to give you fun outdoor activities for kids which have been tried and tested at our own Forest School sessions.

Thanks to our Patrons for their continued support. We couldn't make these videos without you. Join our Tribe on Patreon right here:

Get more outdoor activity ideas by downloading our FREE outdoor education resources here:

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Nature #Shorts Rae Lake

Nature #shortsvideo video about Rae Lake. You can see a longer version of the video if you click on the card at the end of the video.

And if you are further interested in how to survive in the wilderness or you intend to advance basic survival skills, check out our channel. There you can learn more about bushcraft camping and cooking, camping tools and gadgets and camp cooking equipment among other things.

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